Embroidered Royal



A street musician on the upper causeway in Victoria’s inner harbour.

He presents as quite spiffy in his blue jacket with embroidered edges and colourful trousers.

Though if you look closely (which one doesn’t when listening to street performers) quite a few frayed edges speak a story too.

I think it is probably a hard life, even on a sunny day, to play an instrument for donations.

We chatted for a while – he is also a portrait artist. It would be interesting to see some of that work.



Mamiya M645 Super, 80mm/f2.8 lens, ISO400, Kodak 160-VC-2 (expired June 2009) converted to B&W in Lightroom.




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6 thoughts on “Embroidered Royal

  1. An interesting portrait. I like these characters you run into around the streets. The musician guy probably thought you were a pretty odd character yourself, roaming the streets with that bulky old Mamiya roll film camera hanging round your neck, a throwback to the 1980s!


    • Hi Mike – he was playing his guitar and probably a bit lost in that, but also I suspect not wanting to look at the camera even though I had asked if I could take his picture. And, the Shatterbox owner really is in a different place entirely.


    • Hi Yvonne – I agree. There must be some really good days playing in the sun with a good take, and then there must be some extremely discouraging ones where no one seems to care in anyway.


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