Using a Pentax Espio 738G: from 52Rolls


Last year I reblogged my posts but the settings have changed and I can’t do that anymore, so I am republishing the first part. To see the full post with my nosy interpretation of the found photos that were in the camera click here.

This roll of film was a case of “using” rather than “testing” as I did not put the camera through its paces very thoroughly. I tend to shy away from zoom lens point and shoot film cameras. They have very slow lenses and usually not great optics as well, especially when zoomed. However, I came across three cheap point and shoot cameras, all with film still in them, and two of them with working batteries. So, I bought all three because of the allure of the exposed film, and because the amount I paid would be about what the film cost, if there were a full roll. One of the cameras has an expensive battery in it too. This camera is the Pentax Espio 738G which came out in about 1998. The lens is a 38-70mm f/4.8-8.5 and apparently made by Pentax. I won’t go into much more detail than that – you can find all the specs you would ever care for at this link, and a bunch of others you probably don’t ever want to read.

The roll of film in this camera was Fujicolor Superia X-TRA 400 and about half of the 36 frames were already shot, though I had no idea how many as the back had been opened thus resetting the counter. I took one shot in the second-hand store where I bought it, of the proprietor, and it was a double exposure over a frame that was exposed when the back was opened. Even so, there is a bit of an image there, which I have included below. The rest of the photos I took when my granddaughter came to visit for her third birthday. The better of those shots can be found at Birthday Balloons.


Whenever I come into some “found images” as with this roll, I always wonder about the stories the photos tell. And that wondering can be found at the original post at this link.



52 Rolls Project roll: 2016-4, Pentax Espio 738G, Fujicolor Superia Xtra 400, found in camera partially exposed, commercially processed, scanned at home.







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